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Call Tracking Insights

Thoroughly Analyze Incoming Calls to Learn Which Marketing Channels Are Most Effective


Many businesses rely on generating leads through phone calls. If this is your business, have you been on the search for ways to track the sources of these calls? The Click Depot has a strategy that helps you analyze these calls and make smarter marketing decisions.

With The Click Depot’s analytics, you can expect services such as:

Call Tracking

This will allow you to see where your calls are coming from, and if the sources the numbers are linked to are working out for your business. There are different phone numbers in our phone tracking software that can be designated to multiple marketing sources. All the numbers are forwarded to your main number, and you can see where each source the call came from. You may have one number for a particular ad and another one for a landing page, and now you can see directly which source this call is from.

How call tracking works

It ‘s an excellent tool to help drive growth for your business. You can use it to track leads, and you can use this data to determine weak spots in your marketing efforts. Strengthen your campaigns and advertisements and raise your ROI.

Is It Worth It Tracking Phone Calls?

There are significant conversion rates when people have a phone number to dial versus filling out an online form. Most of the times these are more serious leads and have a higher chance of becoming a client. Not using this tool can be leaving your business with room for improvement and not efficiently measuring the effectiveness of your digital efforts.

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