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Mobile Friendly Analysis Tool

Is your page mobile friendly? Mobile friendliness is a very important part of getting your website up in the rankings, keeping visitors on your website, and converting visitors into customers. Over 50% of the people on the internet are now mobile users. If your website is not mobile friendly, you're missing more than half your achievable revenue. Start reclaiming your revenue and make sure your website is mobile friendly.

Whatโ€™s Included In The Report.

Overall Mobile Friendly Score

Mobile Page Screenshot

Text Legibilityโ€‹

Content Width Compatibilty

Incompatible Plugins Report

Link Distance Easy

Mobile Viewport Settings

Viewport Compatibility

how can Mobile DesignIncrease your bottom-line

A Mobile-Friendly Website Is Crucial And Will Increase Your Sales And Conversions

Higher Google Rankings

Having a mobile-friendly website is now more important than ever before. With Google recently announcing that it will be favoring mobile-friendly websites in its search index, having a mobile-friendly website can help your website rank higher on Google and drive more traffic to your site. According to Google, 60% of users wonโ€™t return to a website if it isnโ€™t mobile-friendly. At the end of the day, Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites, and you should too.

More Conversions and Sales

Mobile users are more likely to click on your website and stay longer if it is mobile-friendly. According to a recent study, nearly 60% of mobile users have left a website because it wasnโ€™t mobile-friendly. Not having a mobile-friendly website is the equivalent of having a store thatโ€™s not open to people during normal shopping hours; youโ€™re just not going to get any business.

Having a mobile-friendly website is one of the most crucial features you can have as a business. Mobile optimized websites have been shown to increase customer engagement and conversion rates. If your site isnโ€™t mobile-friendly, you are losing potential customers who are on the go or are using their phones to search for products or services.

Mobile-friendly websites are also optimized for speed, so you can expect to have a better user experience. Itโ€™s also the number one thing you can do to build trust. If people canโ€™t access your content on the go, theyโ€™re going to be less likely to interact with your brand and less likely to trust you because mobile is crucial in todayโ€™s day and age.

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