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Search Keywords Analysis Tool

Figure out what keywords people are using to get to your website. An in-depth knowledge of your keywords can help you curate content specifically for your readers. Using generic keyword research can only help so much. Figure out what keywords you should focus on, and get more traffic to your website with the same amount of SEO.

Whatโ€™s Included In The Report.

Your Top Keywords

Keyword Search Volume

Top Web Page

Your Site Position

Other Keyword Results

Average CPC For Keyword

Keyword Ideas

Results Count

how can proper keywords helpyour website move up in rankings

Keyword Research Gets Your Website in Front of the Right Visitors

For most businesses today, the internet is the primary way to get new business. By the internet, I mean getting to the top of Google search results. That is why many website owners try to get their website to show at the top of the Google search results. When a customer searches for a specific type of business in a certain location, the websites that show up on the first page are those that get the business. Over 80% of web searchers never look at the second page.

Googleโ€™s Ranking Algorithm

Years ago, before Googleโ€™s algorithms were mature, website builders would load as many keywords as possible on the first page that they could fit. Now, Google penalizes this โ€œkeyword stuffingโ€ with lower ranking or even delisting. Nowadays, Google is looking for precise and informational content that contains a sprinkling of the keywords that people are searching for. To frequently get to the top of the Google ranking, it is critical to use keywords that are most frequently used by your potential customers.

Keyword Research

This is the reason that successful SEO professionals conduct thorough keyword research before writing content for their website. Do not target only low ranking keywords. Consistently ranking at the top of Googleโ€™s search for a low-ranking keyword might make you feel like you are winning but not many customers will ever see it. You wonโ€™t get many new customers that way.

Ranking at the top of the search results for frequently used keywords is the only way to succeed. To do that, you need to know the most frequent keywords for your type of business and use them in a correct proportion to the number of words on your webpage. Then you need to strategically place these keywords in your website copy, so Google is convinced you did it naturally. Your website will climb the search engine rankings if you place the right keywords with the correct frequency. Many people are surprised that you can lose your ranking position for having too many or too few keywords in your content.

To know what keywords to use, it is important that you perform comprehensive keyword research before you write any website content. Anything less than that will have you guessing โ€“ and in the hyper-competitive Google SEO arena, guessing equals losing.

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